Are you facing the issue of acne most frequently even after completing the course of medication? If it is so and you want to learn about the cause, go through this blog. In this blog, we will share the root causes of acne's travel back and forth. In addition, we will share a guide on permanent solutions for acne and acne scar reduction. 

Concerning making the blog on the causes of acne and its effective treatment, we took insights from top-notch dermatologists having expertise in Acne Vulgaris Treatment in Delhi. Hence, if you are one of the people who is fed up with the recurrence of acne, read this blog carefully.

What is Acne Vulgaris?

Acne vulgaris is a type of acne which commonly appears during the adolescent phase. But many young age children and adults can also experience this type of acne. Acne Vulgaris is chronic and both inflammatory and non-inflammatory. Based on the appearance and inflammation, acne vulgaris is classified into two categories-

  • Superficial Lesions

These acne are usually non-inflammatory. Ideally, pustules, papules, blackheads and whiteheads are added into the category of superficial lesions.  

  • Secondary Lesions

Secondary lesions are inflammatory and contiguous to spread. Large sizes of bumps red or white filled with milky fluid or blood are instances of secondary lesions. 

Cause of Acne to Go & Come Back

In addition to hormonal imbalance, various other factors are present which contribute to the repetitive growth of acne on the skin. For instance-

  1. Hair Cosmetics

    Hair cosmetics like shampoo, serum, and hair colours are common to use by almost everyone. While applying these cosmetics to the hairs, they will undoubtedly spread and cover the face too. In such circumstances, one with a sensitive skin type has more chances to face shuffling acne.
  2. Poor Skin Care

    Poor skincare contributes to the formation of acne. This includes keeping the makeup and facial cream applied overnight on the skin. Microparticles of these products clog the skin pores. As a result, acne forms. To avoid acne vulgaris caused by poor skin care, doctors advise cleaning the face twice a day.
  3. Facial Hair Removal

    Facial hair is an embarrassment for many, especially females. As a result, they try to use various unwanted hair removal methods like wax, razors or creams. But, after the removal of unwanted hairs, some with sensitive skin types may experience tiny pimples or acne red in colour.
  4. Use of Excessive Cosmetics

    Beauty products enhance the facial appearance. But, continuous use of these products and don't provide adequate care to the skin, becomes the major cause of acne vulgaris.
  5. Dehydration  

    A human body's capacity for self-regulation is compromised when one is unable to drink enough water. This implies that to keep the skin hydrated, the body may produce more sebum than usual, which could clog pores. Dehydration frequently results in a build-up of dead skin cells that can clog a pore. Given how vital water is to every aspect of health, try to be hydrated and limit your intake of caffeine and alcohol.
  6. Stress

    Acne can often be attributed to stress. The reason for this is that it triggers the body to overproduce sebum in the skin by making excess cortisol and other hormones in response. Excess sebum can quickly clog pores, even though it's necessary to keep skin hydrated and youthful.
  7. Diet

    Your diet should be examined as one of the first things to determine if you want to find the cause of your acne breakouts. Perhaps certain foods—like dairy or carbohydrates—are causing your skin to react negatively. However since everyone has a different threshold for these things, this is often genetic.

Treatment for Acne 

  • Teenage Peel

A mild peel that reduces acne, blackheads, open pores, post-acne pigmentation and scars is one of the most effective ways to treat acne vulgaris.

  • Acne Clean-Up

Designed to cleanse the skin of superficial blemishes and unclogged pores.

  • Microneedling

A derma roller also known as dermapen is a handheld device. This device has microneedles on its top. This procedure starts with the use of gel on the skin. This gel will be applied topical on the skin for 30 minutes, to the treatment area for optimal comfort. After that derma roller is used. It will create pores in the dermis, which stimulate the release of growth factors and cytokines. The growth factors and cytokines in turn create a wound healing cascade by stimulating collagen, elastin, and neovascularization. These treatment sessions are typically spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart.  

  • Scar Treatment Laser

For superficial to medium-depth acne scar reduction, Fractional erbium fibre (ResurFX, Lumenis) laser is an effective method. It is a non-invasive treatment. This laser-based acne scar reduction treatment requires no downtime as the process involves delivering quick energy with the help of fractional laser technology. In this method, microbeams penetrate deep causing regrowth of cells and collagen remodelling. For deeper scars undergoing fractional CO2 laser treatment is advised. 

To get more details about acne and acne removal treatment, you are advised to visit the Skinology clinic. This clinic headed by Dr. Nivedita Dadu, offers effective acne treatment performed by the Best Dermatologist in Delhi. To provide the most satisfying results professionals at this clinic utilise advanced laser techniques and let one enjoy clean and glowing skin. The clinic located in Delhi has two branches one at Rajouri Garden (West Delhi) and Vasant Vihar (South Delhi). Visit at your convenience.